Sales Academy 2020
Win Big In The Rapidly Changing Normal

Watch training #1 on demand right now then register for the next 2

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How To Sell IT Services Now And Into The Future

Datto is joining forces with AudIT, one of the industry’s top sales tools, to provide a new, bi-weekly sales training called “Sales Academy 2020 - Win Big in the Rapidly Changing Normal.” In this series, learn new methods to book better appointments, overcome objections, close deals, get upgrades, and do all of this in the worst sales environment in 100+ years. We hope you’ll join us.

Here’s a look at what you’ll get in training #1, Decoding the Hidden Sales Revolution:

  • Identifying and overcoming the obstacles to selling IT solutions today
  • Dealing with prospects and clients that are trying to cut costs
  • The next big and profitable wave in the channel and how you can take advantage of it now
  • And more

Watch training #1 on demand now and secure your seat for part 2 & 3 today!

Your Hosts

Rob Ray

Frank DeBenedetto

Eric Torres

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101 Crawfords Corner Road - Suite 1-102R - Holmdel, NJ 07733
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